
You want to turn at an intersection that has a traffic signal, but there is a crossing pedestrian in the lane that you will be turning into. Before you start to turn, the pedestrian must be at least _______ from the lane that you will be turning into.

Correct answer

  • six feet
  • two feet
  • five feet


Under Oregon law, you must stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian crossing in a crosswalk when the pedestrian is (1) in your lane of travel; (2) in a lane next to your lane of travel, including a bike lane; or (3) in the lane you are turning into. In situation (3), if there is a traf?c signal, before you start to turn, the pedestrian must be at least six feet from the lane you are turning into. If there is no traffic signal, the pedestrian must be past the lane you are turning into as well as the next lane.

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