Want to master intersections? Check out our “Intersection Survival Guide” table:
💡 Rule | 🚗 Action | 🤣 Tip |
Arrive order matters | First to arrive goes first | Be punctual, early bird catches the green light |
The look sequence | Look left, right, left | Peek-a-boo! Don’t get caught in a metal hug |
Blinker use | Use blinkers in the intersection | Signal like you’re flirting, but not too early |
Two-way stop signs | Follow stop/yield sign or proceed if none | Stop, yield, or go: it’s the intersection tango |
Don’t block | Wait to cross until you can clear the other side | No blocking! Don’t be the intersection squatter |
- If two vehicles pull up at the same time, the person on the left lets the person on the right go first
- If you need to turn left, you will need to yield to a vehicle that is going straight in the opposite direction as you
- Always yield to pedestrians who are in a crosswalk or waiting to cross
- Two vehicles turning left from opposite directions do not have to yield to each other
- Proceed with caution in case other drivers do not follow the rules – do not assume everyone else is a safe driver who knows the rules of the road!
Why did the driver feel lost at the blind intersection? Because they couldn’t see the traffic light! Remember, at a T-intersection, you don’t have the right of way, so be careful when turning. And if you’re pulling out of your driveway, don’t forget to give way to the traffic on the road. Don’t be a driveway diva!
Green means go, but not if someone’s turning right on red! If they’re already in the intersection, they have the right of way, so give them a break and wait for them to finish their turn. Remember, patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to driving.
Car B has the right of way in this controlled intersection.