Road Rules

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Get ready to turn 100 feet early, like a psychic GPS. Pick a lane going your way – it’s not Mario Kart. Blinker on, snuggle the lane, but don’t cross the line! Wait behind crosswalks and lines like a polite queue-er. Let pedestrians cross – no surprise bowling today!

A correct right turn looks like this. 

WJ5FEd0LUGs9BU8 Z9G ofY vLTeuTYUu9Wg9xE3

A correct left turn looks like this. 

p32jCOHxqw8niuslPVH J2wukdmxcs VGfQaJLWD5Uaq5Hqtg0eEYShYgWm2 R0ayh GbPAV22 V2gciILQY9sW5X 3bmSIv605Jj

Essential Rules of Turning:

SituationPermitted or NotExplanation
Right on red lightPermittedAs long as there’s no “No Turn on Red” sign
Right on red arrowNot PermittedStraight to the point
Right on flashing yellow arrowPermittedIf no pedestrians are crossing
Right at transit lanePermittedDon’t sit or idle in a bus lane
Right on road with turn lanePermittedTurn right on red, watch out for cyclists
Left on flashing red lightPermittedYield to pedestrians and bikers first
Legal U-turnPermittedOn a double yellow line, green traffic light, or divided highway with opening. Make in closest lane to U-Turn direction.
Illegal U-turnNot PermittedNo U-turn sign, railroad crossing, double yellow lines, one-way street, hindered visibility, oncoming traffic, or in front of fire station or businesses